What I’m Doing Now

I currently live in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada where I have lived for the past 25 years. Lethbridge is located just east of the Rocky Mountains. A Canadian prairie city of about 106,000 people which is the agri-food hub of Alberta. My heart remains in that wonderful city nestled in North Central Massachusetts, Gardner. A wicked cool place to grow up.


After a 35 year career in transportation and logistics I have the opportunity to use my knowledge and experience to help others enter or expand their knowledge in the industry. I am currently developing and facilitating transportation, logistics and sustainability micro credential courses. Who says you can’t reinvent yourself after 65?

In 2024 my professional life took an interesting turn. I was asked to develop two 21-hour courses on sustainable transportation and distribution. The first is focused on sustainability in the various modes of commercial transportation and distribution. The second course focuses on the technology which supports these efforts.

I have never developed course content from scratch before but I said yes, and jumped in with both feet! Wow! 69 years old and I’ve reinvented myself as a content creator and facilitator (virtual and in-person).


I am currently in my 24th year as a member of Toastmasters. Over these years I have grown as a communicator and as a leader.
I am currently a member of 3 Toastmaster clubs. Each club has a unique culture, member base, and meeting format. I continue my leadership journey as a club officer in 2 of the 3 clubs. I continue to serve in leadership at the district level. In addition to a being club officer, I serve as District 42’s Credentials chairman and chair the District Education Committee.


I am chairman of my church board, having served as a board member since 2004.

After 14 years on the board of a Christian mission, (9 years as board chairman) serving men and women in recovery, I have finally retired from the board.

2024 Highlights (So-Far)

  • After 14 years of service (9 as board chairman) on the board of directors for a local Christian mission serving men and women recovering from addiction, I retired from the board.
  • Completed my term as President of the most successful club of Toastmasters District 42, achieving Presidents Distinguished designation. The club is an online, international club with39 members. During the year more than 30 education levels were achieved in the Toastmasters Pathways Learning Experience. A number which no other club in the District achieved.
  • Began my 6th year as Transportation Systems & Logistics Processes facilitator – Careers in Supply Chain.
  • Developed and facilitated a 21 hour (3/7 hour days) a virtual workshop on sustainability in commercial transportation and distribution for industry professionals.
  • Developed and facilitated a 21 hour (3/7 hour days) a virtual workshop on technology supporting sustainability in commercial transportation and distribution for industry professionals.

2023 Highlights

  • Appointed Toastmasters District 42 Credentials Chair & District Contest Chief Judge
  • Attended my 50th high school class reunion – GHS Class of 1972 (a year late, I know)
  • Began development of the first of 2 – 21 hour micro credential workshops in sustainability in transportation and distribution for a college
  • Elected to the national board of directors of Canada’s Logistics Organization (CITT)
  • Elected President of the Connected Communicators Toastmasters
  • Completed my 5th year as Transportation Systems & Logistics Processes facilitator – Careers in Supply Chain
  • After adamantly insisting “no more dogs” – we got a puppy (she’s a doll)

Last Update: July 11, 2024